Filming in Box Elder County

filming a car driving down a road

Box Elder County presents a beautiful backdrop of soaring mountains, crisp blue waters, rolling green hills, sprawling ranches and desert landscape.


Just a 55 minute drive from Salt Lake City International Airport, Box Elder County is the quintessential heart of Northern Utah. Home to Golden Spike National Historical Park, Willard Bay State Park and Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Box Elder is the perfect filming location for your next project. 

In Box Elder County, you'll find charming historic main streets filled with mom & pop cafes, rustic working ranches and orchards, scenic vistas for as far as the eye can see and unique homes & buildings that will compliment your next film, documentary or television show.  We are here to help you find the perfect filming location in Box Elder County! 

Box Elder County Film Contact:

Joan Hammer



For information on state film incentives, please contact the Utah Film Commission:
Utah Film Commission
Council Hall/Capitol Hill

300 North State Street
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114
Phone: 801.538.8740
Toll Free: 800.453.8824
Fax: 801.538.1397

Utah Film Commission Database of Locations in Box Elder County

Projects Filmed in Box Elder County:

Jingle Belle
Clay Pigeons
Independence Day
Spiral Jetty
Halloween 4
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (2007)
Melvin (And Howard)
Proper Manors
Ridin' the Rails: The Great American Train Story
Various Commercials